Head In The Clouds: July 2023 Digital Art Painting Brief

Happy July, everyone! While we’re long past April showers (and all those May flowers), there seems to be something brewing overhead for this month’s digital painting brief…

Don’t worry, the clouds gathering above you won’t rain on your parade- in fact, you may find yourself in awe of the power that large, beautiful clouds can bring to your artwork… especially when used in fun, creative ways in your portraits.

This month, we are creating picturesque portraits with copious collections of cumulonimbus. (Now that’s a mouthful! 😅)

So get your styluses ready to tackle your most gorgeous skies yet!

☁️ The Digital Painting Brief

A mental health magazine has asked for you to create an illustration for ADHD Awareness Month in October of this year.

The client requests that the illustration represent a woman’s face that is wrapped in clouds. Additionally, they also ask to include the color “orange”, the official ADHD awareness ribbon color.

The woman’s expression on the illustration should be neutral, no makeup, but can be from any ethnicity. Age 20 to 30.

🚚 Deliverables & Deadlines

During your digital painting brief, you will have deliverables that should be shared within the Discord Tribe community upon completion. This allows you to receive feedback from your peers (and sometimes myself!) and view the work of other students.

👉 Week 01: July 03-09
• Moodboard
• Composition thumbnails

👉 Week 02: July 10-16|
Final sketch line
• Color thumbnail
• Color thumbnail

👉 Week 03: July 17-23
Rendering (work in progress)

👉 Week 04: July 24-31
Final illustration

Remember to post your work in the #monthly-project room by each Sunday! (Psst, if you’re having any trouble with the Discord, please email me at [email protected] and we’ll get you sorted ASAP!) 👍

📃 Artwork Specs for your Digital Painting

Here are the specifications for the final artwork:

  • Dimensions should be a minimum of 2500px by 3000px
  • Add a 30px bleed all around
  • The image should be in portrait orientation, not landscape
  • Use RGB for the canvas color mode.

👉 All the materials you need for this project can be found inside the Digital Painting Academy.

🧠 Stay Inspired: The #MyDaily5 Challenge

Looking for ways to keep inspired? Every day during the month, the Tribe community can participate in the #MyDaily5 challenge.

These daily prompts based on our monthly digital painting brief are meant to be sketched or painted in 5 to 30 minutes MAX! They are the perfect way to warm up before working on your main project.

Don’t forget to share your work in the Tribe, or tag us on Instagram! Let’s celebrate your 5 minutes of creativity turning into hours of awesome painting! 🙌

We’re SO excited to see what you create this month! If you have any questions about he brief (or anything at all!), please don’t hesitate to reach out to us by emailing [email protected] or on the Tribe Discord. Good luck and happy painting!😊

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