Zero To Hero: The Digital Painting Process

There is no one recipe for painting a masterpiece...

Every artist has their own digital painting process they go through when creating art. Many do sketches first, others block in the colors directly, some start painting in greyscale and some use colors right from the beginning.

Developing your own painting process takes some experimenting to find what best fits your own style of work and painting.

Take a peek into the art process of these 12 talented artists, and get inspiration for developing your own workflow!

Gega Datunashvili

Carl Ellis

Chalky Nan

Dave Greco

Wojtek Fus

David Belliveau

Digital art for beginners

Gabriela Okuniewicz

Gega Datunashvili

James Taylor

Dao Trong Le

Angel Ganev

Aaron Griffin

Did you enjoy this taking a peek behind the scene of these art processes? Have a browse at one of our previous collections of step-by-step images here.

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